Gemma Hooker Gemma Hooker

what is sound meditation?

the benefits of sound meditation

sound meditation is an ancient art that has been practiced for thousands of years to support the body to relax, energise and heal. 

it works by using vibrations to relax the mind and body. 

how does sound meditation work?

you can think of all the different cells, organs and bones in your body as individual instruments that are each vibrating at their own resonant frequency. together they make up a composite frequency, just like the instruments of an orchestra. 

if any individual instrument is out of tune, the whole orchestra will be affected. we can therefore use sound, and the principle of resonance, to bring the body back into harmony.

sound takes many shapes and forms - from singing or chanting, to using instruments like gongs, tibetan singing or crystal bowls, chimes, rattles, drums and tuning forks. 

each sound has its own frequency. when we listen to that sound, our brainwaves literally ‘tune in’ to that same frequency. 

this means we can relax and shift our brainwaves from our normal beta state (waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), and even reach theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep; where internal healing can occur).


some of the benefits of sound meditation are truly incredible! 

  • deep relaxation

  • releasing blocks on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level

  • lower stress and anxiety levels 

  • lower blood pressure 

  • improved sleep 

  • profound sense of calm and wellbeing

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